Sunday, January 31, 2010

Mini Photo Sessions

You may have seen this new logo- It's work in progress. I like but don't love and I happen to know a few designers who are coming to town to stay at my house in a few weeks!(more on that later)

Greetings all! About 3 weeks ago I decided to start a fan page on Facebook! Boy has Photography by Tricia Nugen Really taken off! I have a mini session scheduled for the first weekend in April in Wichita and have 8 sessions in 1 day! I've decided to do another one here in Kansas City as well just to see which town will win! If you live here I am having some special stuff the more people you refer the more chances you'll get to win a free photo book from that day's photos! So, dear bloggy friends even if you don't need photos refer someone! Help a girl out!
Thanks for all your support!

1 comment:

Chandra said...

Well, considering I still owe you for Christmas photos....